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Intel-Grid Publications


The applications in The Quantum Grid Theory question the laws of physics, whether nuclear or quantum analogy. The precepts of the publications are the origins of the Universe and Light, Matter/Mass, therefore Substance. The application is as the structure of all that exist. Also, Quantum Bio-mechanics and the Power of Prayer and the discerning principles of neuro functions and the means of the exhorted energy in the conscious into the vastness of the Universe.


In the means of the introduction of The Solcentric Universe and the measures of the possible smallest unit of measure, to the grand aspect of the Universe and the known introduction of the Non-verse.

The Quantum Grid Theory is the application of the origins of the Universe, Light, Matter/Mass, and substance was well as the other instated improvisions of the structure of Intel-Grid Publications.

In the publications of Intel-Grid, is the fields of quantum, nuclear, and astrophysics. From the fabrication of electrostatic energy and the magnetic properties of the force of gravity, to the structure of the atom. As then, for the application of the structure of the universe and all the forms and implications of the Quantum Grid as, Quantum Units to Nuclear Cells and the creation of matter/mass, and substance the origins of light and the connection between celestial events that compile our Universe.

The story that unfolds for the render of such, is it merely an application of the studies show that the creation of matter is that of the force and the energy contained in antimatter/ subatomic particles/ elementary particles that when utilized, is the production of light. 

Is it that the production of light is the formation and creation of matter/mass into the states of matter that reveal the universe into the Non-verse. The applications of the Non-verse are that in the Solcentric Universe and the understanding of the entities of time and space and the grand aspect of the Universe as a whole. In the means of understanding The Quantum Grid Theory is laid out in a format style that sets into the reader that is compelling and a field of study in a possible mishap of nuclear physics into quantum analogy.

The mishap is in observations of antimatter, however the applications are that the +/- energies of electrostatic energy and the magnetic properties of gravity, when bonded through quantum entanglement produce light. In doing so matter is produced and the process will ensure that the substance becomes of the chemical elements that are the make-up of our Universe. 

In the Intel-Grid Publications is the means of a different aspect of the Universe and a possible mishap that quantum analogy went astray, and this theory can help get on target for the studies, of astro, nuclear, and quantum physics.

To Inquire about the Publications, or any questions and/or concerns. Please contact me via email:

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